When you have a business of your own, you have a lot of financial areas to keep track of, and it’s often more efficient to keep all the financial details organized in one space. Xero is a financial and accounting software that allows you to do that. Here’s what you need to know about it.
- Cloud-based program: Xero is a cloud-based program, so you can access your financial information and manage tasks at any time or place or on any device. Even if you need to manage payroll on your phone while waiting at the airport, you can easily do that through the mobile app.
- Multi-user friendly: You can also authorize multiple users to access the accounting software at once without any additional fees or charges. This means your sales team can do their own quotes while the bookkeeper is updating the payroll and you’re looking through the financial history of the company.
- All your accounting tasks in one place: Xero is the perfect software for any form of financial management. You can use it for asset management, inventory, project management, multi-currency accounting, sales tax, quote preparation, invoicing, purchase orders, payroll, and more.
- Additional support and training included: Xero also offers free email and on-call support from financial advisors whom you can talk to in real-time. We also offer Xero training here at Balanced Bookkeeping of NC, so we can help you and your staff understand the different aspects of the software to make it even more beneficial for your company.
Whether you have a small or large company, Xero can be a beneficial accounting software to keep all your financial details in line and in one space. Give us a call today to learn more about it.